Adding a Security Group to restrict access in SwipedOn Desks

This article will explain how to create a general security group via the Microsoft 365 admin center.

⚠️ This article relates to SwipedOn Desks which is a separate platform to our SwipedOn Visitor Management Software. SwipedOn Spaces and Resource Booking have their own help centre articles

NB: Only global and user management administrators have permissions to create, edit, or delete security groups.

Add a security group

  1. Sign in to the Microsoft 365 admin center and go to the Groups > Groups page.

  2. Within the Groups page, select Add a group.

  3. On the Choose a group type page, choose Security.

    • The name of the group needs to be SwipedOnUserGroup

    • Click Add to save the new group. The click Close to return to the list view.

How to add members to the group

  • Once you have created the general user active directory group, the relevant users are required to be added to the group.

  • From the list of groups, search for SwipedOnUserGroup and open. This will then open a dialogue showing the list of owners and members.

    NB: You may need to refresh the list for the newly added group to appear.


  • Click on View all and manage members > + Add members. Search for users to be added to the group. Once complete, click Save and then Close.

  • The group is now updated to include the selected members. This can be repeated whenever needed to add additional users.

Please notify your SwipedOn Operations Contact if you have added a general user group. A configuration change will be required to allow this.