How to set up the Azure Active Directory integration

A step by step guide to linking your Azure Active Directory to SwipedOn

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To set up a sync from your Azure Active Directory to SwipedOn, click 'Setup' on the Azure Active Directory card on the 'Integrations' page, then follow the steps below.

Connect to your Azure Active Directory account

Connect to your Azure Active Directory account by inputting the Tenant ID, Client ID and Client Secret, then click on the 'Next' button. If you don't know how to find these details, check out this article.

Select the Azure Group you would like to map to SwipedOn

You can choose to sync all users from Azure Active Directory or only those within a group. Click on the drop-down button to the right to select the group you would like to map to SwipedOn, or type in the name of the group if you have a large number to select from.

Once selected, click on the 'Next' button. To sync all users, click 'Skip.'

*Please note: if no groups are populating to select from, this will be due to the existence of a large number of groups. Please locate the group within Azure and paste the group ID to continue to the next step. 

Map your SwipedOn employee custom fields to your Azure categories

Click on the drop-down arrow to select the Azure categories you would like to map to SwipedOn.

By default, an employee's first name, last name, and email address, mobile phone and department will be synced with SwipedOn. To change this, click on the arrow to the right, it will change to an X to remove current defaults so you can select new fields to map from Azure. 

Choose the phone number field in Azure that contains mobile numbers to map to the 'Mobile' field within SwipedOn. This field ensures your employees can receive SMS notifications from SwipedOn.

Important note: please ensure the mapped phone field value recorded within Azure contains the country code prefix at the beginning of the phone record for each employee, including a +, e.g. +64 021 123 4567, when mapping against the 'Mobile' field.

If you wish to synchronise other data about employees from Azure, you can map fields to employee custom fields in SwipedOn. Useful examples could be alternative phone fields e.g. Office Phone. So long as the custom field is set up in SwipedOn, you can select it from the relevant drop-down box to link it to an Active Directory field. Once you have fields linked, click the 'Map' button to continue.

Map your SwipedOn Locations to Azure

To map Locations, click on the drop-down arrow at the top of the page and select the Azure field the location will be mapped from e.g. City. 

Then click on the drop-down arrow to the right of the SwipedOn locations to select from the Azure values returned.

If you wish to assign users who don't have a value for your mapped Location field, use the checkbox at the bottom of the window and select your location from the drop-down.

Click on the 'Next' button to complete this step.

Final confirmation before sync

If any existing employees are already added within the SwipedOn web dashboard, and their email address doesn't match a user in Azure Active Directory, the below screen will appear. You can choose to remove these users from SwipedOn, which will archive them, or ignore them. Ignoring these employees will exclude them from any future synchronisation.

Once the locations have been mapped, the Azure Active Directory will generate the below report to confirm that all data is input correctly. Click 'Sync' to complete the setup and begin synchronising users from Azure.

A sync report will then appear. If any employees did not sync across, a report will show below the 'Issues' header. Please note that these make the necessary changes to successfully sync the employee.

Click 'Done' to finish this process and return to the manage view of the Azure integration. 

Reviewing issues

If any issues are returned upon the sync taking place, the first few employees that failed sync will display for the admin to ensure these employee fields in Azure are correctly configured.  

These will remain on the manage view of the Azure SwipedOn portal so admins can return to these when needed to investigate any sync discrepancies.The 'review issues' link in the top left corner will display the information returned when the initial sync took place.