What is Randomized Check?

The Randomized Check feature allows administrators to set a percentage chance for a visitor to be selected for a security check - here's how.

🏳 Available on our Premium & Enterprise plans 

To set this feature up, log into your SwipedOn dashboard and navigate to 'Settings' > 'Visitor Settings' > 'Categories' and select the visitor category you'd like to set up the randomized check for. In the example below, it's Visitor that we're going to turn this on for. 

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Under your selected visitor category, tick the checkbox for 'Require approval for a selection of visitors' to turn this on and then enter the chance of a randomized check. For example, 1 in 10 visitors sets a 10% chance that a visitor will be randomly selected for approval.

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Visitors view

If a visitor is randomly selected for a check when they're signing in on the iPad or device, they will see the below screen.

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If a visitor is randomly selected for a check when they're signing in via a QR code, they will see the below screen on their phone.

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Email Notification

The admins at this location will then receive the email (and, if enabled, SMS, push, Slack or Teams) notification asking them to approve or reject the visitor. 

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The admin or host can then approve or reject the visit by selecting one of the above options. Once approve or reject has been selected, this will redirect the admin or host to a web page showing the approval or rejection has been applied with a timestamp alongside the visitor's name.

If approved, the host (if selected) will then receive the usual email notification of their visitors' arrival, and if enabled, an ID label will then print. If rejected, an admin will need to notify the visitor that they have not been approved for entry. This is applicable when the 'allow hosts to approve visitors' setting is enabled. 

If 'Review visits' is selected before the visit has been 'Approved' or 'Rejected'', this will navigate the admin to sign into their SwipedOn web dashboard and display any Pending visits where the admin can then approve or reject this visitor. 

Notification recipients

Company admins and location managers will receive randomized check notifications by default when this field type is turned on. If subscribed to a multi-location account, the location manager and company admin associated with the location will receive the notification. If no admin is associated with the location, this will send to all company admins across all locations. Learn more about admin roles

The host selected by the visitor can also receive a randomized check notification from which they can approve or reject the visit. This can be enabled within the Settings > Visitor Settings> 'Advanced Settings' view. See our support article for more information on how to allow hosts to approve visitors.

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Randomized check alert recipients: 
The 'Send approval alerts to specific recipients' visitor setting allows for up to 3 email recipients (and 1 SMS recipient) to receive a notification that a visitor requires a randomized check approval. However, these recipients do not have the ability to approve or reject the visit via this notification, they are simply informed.  For more information read our support article on email notifications

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