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Quick Questions with Anna: Senior Developer

When she’s not considering multiple universes, discussing if a matrix could really be possible or reading up on inspiring entrepreneurs - oh or looking after her gorgeous little boy - Anna is our badass (you'll find out why in the closing question), kickass Senior Developer here at SwipedOn. We caught up with Anna to learn more about what a day in the life is like for her at SwipedOn.

What does a day in the life of you at SwipedOn look like? 

I start the day with my morning coffee, although what usually gets me ready for work is our usual morning chat with Adam, Kaan and Scott about cosmos, history, multiple universes, dangers of technological future, possibilities of matrix or something as down to earth as electrical cars. I absolutely love those talks! After that it’s all boring - coding, testing, shipping.

What do you like about working at SwipedOn?  

I like people here - open, genuine, honest and kind. Great collaboration.

What do you particularly like about what we’re doing with SwipedOn?  

We ship continuously and frequently which is very different from my past experiences. We get constant feedback from customers and we take it seriously. At the same time the company takes care of its employees - we have a very good work life balance here.

What three words would you use to describe your role? 

1. Do. 
2. It. 
3. Well.

What is your SwipedOn screensaver? 

Default one of the desert. I find it calming.

What did you do in your previous working life? 

I worked for few years for various financial institutions like trading companies and investments banks. My last job was to do with software for healthcare industry and that was refreshing.

What do you do in your free time? 

I do not have free time - I’ve got a kid haha. On a serious note I really enjoy uninterrupted showers and reading books of which my latest is “Elon Musk: Tesla, SpaceX, and the Quest for a Fantastic Future”.

What are three things still left on your bucket list? 

  • Visit Japan. 
  • Become fitness instructor (or just become fit!) 
  • Paint a painting.

What’s on your SwipedOn playlist? 

Recently: Lauv, Sigma, Kygo, Ed Sheran, George Ezra

If you were stuck on a desert island and you could choose one person from the SwipedOn team to come with you, who would you take and why?  

That would be Lou and Reece because they are super fun, positive and funny people and on top of that Lou can surf!

Let’s end this with a weird fact about you…  

Hmm, I am polish haha. Not weird enough? I used to be a hard core high school president with shaved head and listening to Marilyn Manson ;)

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Lou Burton

Lou is our Brand & Content Manager at SwipedOn.


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