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5 Technologies That Create Safer Workplaces for Employees

Employee wellbeing must be a key priority in a post-pandemic world, regardless of whether businesses choose to reopen at the same capacity as before, downsize, or move towards a hybrid remote and on-site working environment. 

Fortunately, a diverse range of technologies is available to create a safer work environment for on-site employees, making maintaining a safer workplace easier than ever. 

From visitor management software to autonomous bathroom cleaning tools, continue reading to discover how you can keep your employees safe when they return to the workplace. 

Employee Pre-Entry Health Screenings 

As the fight to overcome COVID-19 is heading to businesses reopening, your workplace will again begin to welcome employees.

Organizations worldwide are stepping up to ensure, as much as possible, the health and safety of employees entering their workplace while trying to manage employee reentry anxiety. One way this is being achieved is by using visitor management software to screen everyone who enters the premises. For example, SwipedOn's screening tools enable front desk staff to ask simple yes/no questions to determine whether or not someone poses a risk to your premises within minutes. 


The importance of contact tracing when it comes to preventing the spread of Coronavirus cannot be understated. By finding out where employees have been, who they've been in close contact with, and whether or not they have had any common symptoms, organizations can keep their employees safe while taking precautions to minimize the possible spread of the virus. With a visitor management system, contact tracing is easier and the system can also double as an staff in-out board to keep track of all employees and visitors in the office; making it easier to identify individuals who have come in contact with an infected person.

Autonomous Cleaning Solutions in Restrooms and Common Areas

Cleaning routines became much more rigorous in 2020, but more still needs to be done. The coronavirus can live up to 72 hours depending on the type of surface. Meanwhile, other viruses can live on surfaces and in rooms for 4-9 days. Since it may be difficult or impractical to have staff cleaning round-the-clock, balancing their efforts with investments in technology is a sensible and effective move. 

Moving beyond automatic soap dispensers and faucets present in many offices for years, there are now more autonomous options available these days such as app-controlled dishwashers and autonomous cleaning robots for floors and surfaces. All of which can limit human touch where necessary and further reduce the spread of germs. 

robot-vacuum-unsplashPhoto by Denny Müller on Unsplash

Contactless Sign in for Employees and Guests 

Contactless sign in systems are one of the easiest ways businesses can use technology to create a safer workplace. A good app-based sign in system allows your employees to scan a QR code every time they enter and exit the workplace, which improves hygiene and lowers the amount of contact they have with surfaces, pens, and tablets. Businesses can also take advantage of smartphone apps like SwipedOn Pocket so employees have a contactless sign in experience.

For visitors, contactless sign in allows you to limit physical contact and know who is on your premises at all times. You can also use the technology to print ID badges wirelessly, preventing staff from having to do it manually. 

Aside from keeping your workplace safe, a contactless sign in solution is also a great way to improve company branding. Utilizing user-friendly visitor management software shows that your business is efficient, innovative, and able to adapt when necessary. 

Smart Meeting Rooms 

The modern meeting room has evolved over the past few years into smart meeting rooms. They can be booked online; physical meeting spaces can be accessed with facial recognition and even use voice-activated recorders; tools like Alexa can call specific people who may be dialling in from a remote location.

Businesses should also consider looking at their air filtration to improve air circulation and minimize the spread of harmful bacteria. Social distancing with contactless exits and social distancing sensors.

In addition to creating a safer workspace, smart meeting rooms integrate hardware and software for a more productive meeting experience.


Remote Collaboration Tools 

Even when it's safe to return to workplaces, organizations need to be flexible for those who either want to work from home fully or would prefer a hybrid agreement. You’ll also need to be prepared in case of future outbreaks. 

You can use cloud software to keep all of your important documents in one place and manage projects better, along with team chat programs like Slack to maintain easy communication. Also, consider leveraging a digital in-out board to know when staff are in and out of the office at any given time. 

Companies are also investing in webcams for workspaces, enabling team members to talk with one another like they would if they were in the office, which reduces back-and-forth emails. Such tools can help with maintaining more personable social interaction, even when contact needs to be avoided.slack-unsplashPhoto by Stephen Phillips on Unsplash

Create a Safer Workplace Without Sacrificing Efficiency 

Creating a safer workplace will be vital in a post-pandemic world. While the past year or so has been challenging, technology has been indispensable in helping organizations adapt to constant change. 

Visitor management software and contactless sign in features, like those offered by SwipedOn, are essential for limiting contact with surfaces, improving office hygiene, and ensuring your employees’ health and safety in the workplace.2020_2110-32

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Paul Hansen

Paul is our Chief Marketing Officer at SwipedOn.