SwipedOn Workplace Sign In Sytem
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Visitor preboarding tailored to your compliance requirements

  • Share a video, image or document and ask questions ahead of time to ensure visitors understand your processes, hazards and risks before they arrive
  • Easily manage requirements across all locations with a central preboarding library
  • Preboarding can be completed on the spot or sent ahead of time via email as part of your visitor preregistration
  • Create customizable contractor inductions that can be tailored to meet requirements

Visitors who have already completed their requirements will skip this part of the sign in flow when they arrive, and anyone who hasn’t will be required to do so before entering your premises. Records are securely stored for future reference.

How Visitor Preboarding works

Admin creates a new preboarding flow consisting of a video, document, or image, a series of questions, and a validity period.
The preboarding requirements are then assigned to the desired visitor category. 
When visitors are preregistered, they receive an invitation to complete preboarding before arriving. Alternatively, they can complete it when they sign in on arrival.
Sign in
Visitors complete the rest of their sign in (entering details and signing agreements) and then only need to complete preboarding again once it expires.


Add Visitor Preboarding to any subscription plan. View all plans and pricing.

Frequently asked questions

This feature is an AddOn, which can be purchased on top of any SwipedOn subscription. The AddOn cost is per location.

Yes, on the SwipedOn Enterprise plan, you can create multiple preboarding flows and assign each to a different visitor category.

By taking the proactive step of preregistering your visitor, you unlock the opportunity to streamline their arrival process significantly. This is achieved by including a personalized link to essential preboarding materials directly within the email invitation. By doing so, you not only convey a sense of preparedness and professionalism but also set the stage for a more engaging and efficient visit.

We encourage you to instruct your visitors to review and complete these materials prior to their arrival, ensuring a smooth and swift entry upon reaching your premises. This enhances the visitor experience and allows you to manage on-site logistics more effectively.

For a deeper dive into how you can optimize this process and make every visit a seamless encounter check out this link.

We currently support PDF, jpeg, png and MP4.

If these visitors are preregistered or saved as remembered visitors (this requires the “returning visitors” setting to be enabled), the preboarding status will be saved along with their visitor details and they will only need to complete it when the validity period expires.

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